40 km of marked and maintained footpaths are available. A wide variety of paths to satisfy the desires of hikers or lovers of short family walks who will enjoy strolling along the famous Promenade Fleurie on the shores of Lake Aureilhan - Mimizan.
It should be noted that the coastal road to Santiago de Compostela passes through Mimizan.
Ask to the tourist office for the topoguides (in French only)
A few recommendations

A Mimizan, sentier de la Promenade Fleurie
MIMIZANhis curious floral haven situated on the edge of the lake (Mimizan Burg side) counts over 300 different species of plants, this promenade was named...

A Saint Paul en Born, circuit de Saint-Paul-le-Vieux
SAINT-PAUL-EN-BORNThis 9.5km long walking trail enables you to explore the village of St Paul en Born’s natural heritage (alders, lakefront sand trap) and historical...

A Mézos, sentier d'interprétation du Courlis
MEZOSThis interpretation path runs alongside the River Le Courlis, giving walkers a chance to see the local fauna and flora in a river gallery (2 km).

Aureilhan - Circuit de l'étang
AUREILHANThis path was created by the General Council of Landes. This highly diverse loop showcases the river and the forest: after running alongside the...

A Mézos, circuit du Courlis
MEZOSThis path was created by the General Council of Landes.
This path provides a chance to explore a variety of landscapes, frequently traversed by...

A Pontenx-les-Forges, circuit de la Forge
PONTENX-LES-FORGESThis path of 14.7 km (a 13.5 km variation) was created by the General Council of Landes.
This loop combines shady trails through pine forests and...

A Mimizan Plage, Sentier des Aigrettes
MIMIZAN PLAGEThis loop leads you along the Courant de Mimizan, in the forest, along the nautical stop and the dike
Distance : 4,2 km - Duration : 1h00 - Pets...

A Bias, sentier pédestre "L'Etang du Bourg Vieux"
BIASA footpath (3.6 - 5.0 km) that lets you explore the Landaise forest and the Bourg Vieux pond which, pushed by the sands in the 19th century, forced...

A Mimizan Plage, Circuit de la Maillouèyre
MIMIZANCette boucle entre eau et forêt vous conduit le long du Courant de Mimizan puis à travers la forêt de pins des Landes avant de rejoindre les milieux...

A Mimizan, circuit du Courant de Mimizan
MIMIZANhis path was created by the General Council of Landes. This highly diverse loop showcases the area’s architectural heritage, industrial heritage,...

A Mimizan, tronçon de la voie littorale St Jacques de Compostelle
MIMIZANThis path includes former sections of the coastal path known as the Voie des Anglais (“Englishmen’s Path”). In Aquitaine, it comes from Verdon (33)...

A Mimizan Plage, sentier de découverte "l'Etang de la Mailloueyre"
MIMIZAN PLAGEOn this trail marked out with numbered posts, you will set out to discover the beginnings of landais landscape; on the trail: crooked trees, lakes,...

A Pontenx-les-Forges, sentier de découverte du Courant des Forges
PONTENX-LES-FORGESLet yourself be guided by the Courant des Forges and you’ll find this botanic trail. You will cross a fine pine plantation where trees of different...